Tooo meeeee

So yeah my readers, it is my birthday. I celebrated last night with several cups of whiskey and laying in bed reading a good book.

Call me lame, but it was divine. I have been working extra shifts and yesterday was my first day off in a week so I was ( and am) super drained and tired. I’m off today too but I work opening shift tomorrow so early night and earlier raising is in my future

Just wanted to let you all know I’m alive and well and share in my bday happiness.

This may be a little TMI but mother nature gave me a present this morning. My female time of the month arrived early. I was complaining to the hubby and he said toĀ  me ” Hey mother nature gave you the best gift ever, you are not with child”. I couldn’t agree more and so my attitude is turned around and i’m back on the happy track.

Enjoy your day loves! I know I owe you all lots of posts and I will get to it soon i promise! With theĀ  extra shifts at work I just havent had the time. But things should slow back down.

We’ll talk soon my readers!

  1. Rahburt says:

    ha, you aren’t lame. happy birthday!!


  2. Kozo Hattori says:

    Yay, Happy Birthday to you, Tasha. {{{hugs}}} Kozo


  3. Thanks for the TMI update


  4. Clara Hinton says:

    Well, a special happy birthday to you! Everybody should have a “day of divine” when it’s their special day!

    Continue to enjoy and squeeze out every ounce of happiness!


  5. justanothermanboy says:

    Happy Birthday! I too can think of nothing better than a tumbler of whiskey and warm bed!


  6. Katie Renee says:

    Happy Birthday!!! šŸ˜€ And I’m not going to judge because I spent my last few birthdays either at work or with a good book.


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