Archive for February 25, 2013

Swift Expression is back and she is back with something fierce! She has taken a blogging sabbatical to focus on reconstruction of her site and to spend some quality time in the real world( which she much deserved). We have patiently waited for her return, and the return of her blog challenges! Her new challenge is an optional 12 part challenge.

But, before we jump into the NEW challenge, the LAST one still needs to be concluded.  So please click on this.

That is THE POLL. Vote for me, or if someone else and their responses moved you more, then by all means vote for them instead. I don’t mind at all 🙂 The poll page has links to all the challenge prompts and in the responses of the challenges you can find links to trackback to my responses. If you scroll a ways down my blog all the entries will be there. If you would like me to pluck a link for you, I’ll be more than happy too!

I will be re-visiting the challenge and others responses to determine who i shall vote for. I may vote for myself, but knowing me, i probably wont :p

Happy Voting folks! Please do take the time to vote. We all put so much energy into these challenges and even if the vote isn’t for me, please do show your support to someone.