One of the side effects of working retail with a crappy immune system, I’m sick. Again. When I’m sick I’m terribly sentimental. I just want to lay in bed and read and cuddle and be babied. But, life doesn’t always allow that leisure.

But, I have a hubby who does.

He worked hard to take care of himself the past couple of days  so i can stay in bed as much as possible so I can be a little bit better for work. He even walked Bianca for me in the morning so I could stay in my medicine induced sleep coma.

Poor guy has been living off Mac and Cheese.

But, I do feel just sick and not nearly dying sick so i think I can manage to go to work tomorrow.

And I have read 3 books.


If I Stay By Galye Forman

This is what i wrote about it on my goodreads review
“Just finished reading “If I Stay” By Gayle Forman… what a tough book. Finished it in only a few hours. I love this books so much because it captures that transition of being rebellious and free spirited to being an adult . It captures that raw passion with music and creativity. Most importantly the struggle of love…and loss.”

But, I have more to say. The story is about Mia, a teenager musician. A classical musician( cellist ). Through a series of flashbacks we are acquainted with her family. Parents of  the rock era, matured and conformed for adult hood and to be good parents. But still, that rebellious free nature attitude is deeply entwined in the fabric of their lives. Music is what binds this family and music is what twines the words together on the page.

The book starts with a tragedy. A car crash. The book is told through Mia’s spiritual self, helplessly standing by her body while she tries to figure out what she should do. Return to her comatose body with her condition unknown and unsure of what damage was done. Return as an orphan but with the man she loves and grandparents still there . Or does she let go and reunite with her recently deceased family. Granted it wasn’t the best book ever written and the plot was thin at best. But, it pulls at your heart strings. As a  hopeless romantic, I loved this book. The pages turned fast and I was enthralled with the story. With love.

When it ended, I was amazed.

I jumped right into the next book.

Where She Went ( Book 2) by Gayle Forman

Where She Went ruined the beauty of  If I stay. It ruined it all in my eyes. I wish i never read it.  What was an epic love story, turned into bitter pointless angst. What was a very plausible story line, pulling at my heart strings cause of the very real possibility of it happening, was just erased.

Where She Went , Adam ( the boyfriend) succeeds in being a rock star. Mia succeeds in becoming  a cellist. The book is three years after If I Stay ended. And it’s pure emo angst from Adam’s perspective. I hated Mia. I was annoyed with Adam.  It ruined the epic love story. It ruined the difficult choices in If I Stay.

The “happy ending’ was mundane and cheesy and a waste of time.

I should of stayed with the first book.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Fault In Our Stars is told from Hazel’s perspective. We follow her trying to “live today” with her terminal Cancer and all the limitations that entails. We explore uncertainties and loss. But most importantly, wishes and love.

The Fault In Our Stars was a great novel. It presents you a very real perspective and dynamic. The only reason I didn’t bawl like a baby at the end of the book was because I knew it was happening…and I was pissed. I wanted the happy ever after. I wanted the character to live. I was furious.

And that’s the point.

Life isn’t fair. Pain isn’t nice. Cancer certainly isn’t kind or timely. Some times we don’t get a happy ever after. We only get a happy right now. This story was honest. Was true. For that, I appreciate it even more.

My good reads blurb:
“That Fault in Our Stars was a brutally honest read. I liked the book for it’s very real and raw look on terminal illness. It seems everyone has a love or hate relationship with this book. I just want to say, it may not be the authors place to depict the world of childhood terminal illness. But it’s a very real world crafted flawlessly throughout this book and we owe it to those living this in real life to read it. I read this novel in a few short hours because of the relatively, how accurate the scenarios were. Some complain there is no happy ending. Well, that’s the point of this book. A small slice of infinity is all we can ask for, more than most get. Great book.”

  1. diannegray says:

    I absolutely love the pic of the puppy in the bed – too cute!

    Sorry you’re not feeling well, but I’m glad your hubby is there to look after you – you are very lucky indeed 🙂

    I really like your reviews – well done!


  2. Kim says:

    awww do hope your feeling better soon xx and ours hubbys are a lot more able than they like us to believe sometimes xx


  3. Katie Renee says:

    Hope you feel better soon!


  4. tfaswift says:

    I hope you’re feeling better by now! Being sick is just awful. If I can possibly find a way to stay in bed and avoid doing anything, then I will! Your book reviews are very good. I know that you’re not ideally happy working in retail and that it’s only a temporary arrangement. You have so many talents, I know you will find something that you love and be totally brilliant at it. I think I mentioned journalism before … a book critic is another possibility. You’d be great with words in any profession! I think you’d also be great in front of the camera where your vivacious character can really shine through. 🙂


    • Tilda, thank you love for stopping by and reading. I have looked into jobs with books but I’m quite protective of books. I didn’t want a profession to kill my passion for reading and so i have stubbornly avoided it. I have to work on that though. I actually knew someone who told me to apply for a job in a book store and they would speak to the manager to keep my resume when it was hiring season ( which is a few months away). But, i just picture myself hiding and reading books all day throughout my shift LOL. I think i would be a good librarian.


      • tfaswift says:

        Ah yes, I know what you mean. I think I felt similar in a way when my dad told me I had “missed my calling in life” and I should have been a vet (due to my love for animals). I told him that as much as I love animals, I could never have been a vet. I would have always been scolding people for not taking proper care of their pets! LOL. Sometimes we can’t work in a particular field because we love it *too* much! 🙂


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