Archive for April 8, 2013


April 2nd 2013

Dear Journal;

Hey my friend! My eyes burn! They just want to sleep!  My grandfather was in the hospital all week. He had  a pacemaker put in. He is doing much better. He was discharged yesterday afternoon. Happy to have him home. I forgotten how stressful and tiring ( and expensive) hospital runs are. We all have to adjust to his new normal- caring for him, his limitations. He can stand and walk but not much So we have to help him. He can feed himself but we have to prepare everything, bring it to him and clean up afterwards. He can’t shower on his own though or dress.  But otherwise he is well. He can shuffle around from the bed to the couch and to the tv and to the bathroom. He is happy to be home and just one day home and he already looks and feels EVEN more healthier. It’s been alot of work ( and will be) but he is a strong old man. Everyone in the family says he’ll out live us all. I wouldn’t be suprised if he did. In fact my uncle calls him tiger.

My sister came over Thursday to go with me to the hospital. We were all just chit chatting, filling the silence when she says “my tooth fell out awhile ago!” My grandpa was like whattt?! It can’t just FALL out. My sister said ” yeah, it just fell out!”My grandpa in utter shock said ” How that happen, teeth have roots! It can’t just fall out!”

Then i pipe up and said “Cause SHE DRINKS TOO MUCH!”

My grandpa was in hysterics laughing. My sister does have a fondness for the booze.

We were in the hospital for awhile and we helped him with everything, going to the bathroom, bathing him , feeding him. We were getting ready to leave and he was just about spent and was going to doze off when he asked us to lower the feet of the hospital bed. So we lowered the feet of the hospital bed until it was completely flat and it wouldn’t go any lower. He kept saying lower. So we told him it can’t go no lower and he kept saying lower.

A nurse walks in and he tells her LOWER and she smiles and walks over to the other side of the bed. She does a button combination and lo’ and behold the bed transformed into a recliner.  Lol. I knew SOME beds had that option but i didn’t see the panel with additional  button options. Sneaky of them.

I’m so stressed too journal. I still not have figured out this Medicare business that Omar was automatically enrolled in. I don’t even know how to fix it. We have to go down to some office (not sure which one) and speak to a person face to face. With my grandpa sick and my work schedule I have not had the time and honestly I don’t have the mental energy. If its not one thing, its the next. Here’s to hoping for less stress and more things to actually work out the way they are supposed too.

I’ll write later journal, Heading in early in the off chance I can watch this stupid training video for the new systems. I doubt it, they are never there. But i’ll try.




Author’s Note: I’m SO happy i didn’t work on April Fool’s Day. I HATE that day. I think I’ve become to old for pranks. No, i still love pranks but april fools day annoys me! It’s all day, from everyone. It’s completely tiring and exhausting. I posted a status on facebook that said “For the record, I believe NOTHING today. I ignore everyone. Today is April Fools. Trust no one.”

Also, I have yet to see this training video for the new system and they already implemented the new system.  Half the store hasn’t seen the video. The new system SUCKS.


Tuesday March  26th 2013

Dear Journal;

My Friend, it is official… I am getting old.  I went out Sunday night and I am still tired. On coffee number 2 before my shift.  Hope its busy, at least that will keep me on my feet.

I had a blast though. Straight after work I meet the bestie and her date.  We went to a Korean restaurant. I could barely read the menu. The bill wasn’t in English LOL.  But the food was yummy! And OMG before we left I went to use their restroom…i inquire where and the lady points to the back. So i walk to the back and see  a sign saying restroom with an arrow point down a set of stairs.  I was like ummm weird but shrugged and said whatever and went down the set of stairs. But, it turned out, it was TWO sets of stairs. The first set were polished and pristine , hardwood-ish to match the rest of the restaurant. The second yet… yeah not so much. They were concrete stairs with the typical flimsy metal hand rail.  Which led to a basement. Concrete walls to complete the look of course.  Insert horror movies  scenes here. I had to  wait too! Someone was in the bathroom and so I had to stand there in a damp looking, cold and drafty concrete hallway staring at a room with a door slightly ajar with a small ray of light pouring out of the room. I shortly realized someone was IN the room.  I heard shuffling of feet from the room and then dull chopping and I was praying whoever was in the room 1) stayed in the room and 2) they were chopping meat – not body parts.  Then i heard whoever was in there phone ring. It was some Blade( vampire hunter movie)  techno sounding music and i laughed to myself. If they are listening to that, I bet I could take em in a fight.

After the bathroom escapades I  took two lesbians next door to a gay bar( gay men only). I had a blast.

It was so much fun. I went over budget but not by much. My friend’s date even paid the go-go dancer to give my friend a lap dance. I was almost on the floor in hysterics because my friend kept screaming “NO! I’m SUPER gay! I don’t want a lap dance from a guy! I’m SUPER gay!”  I almost died of laughter.  After a couple of pelvis thrusts my friend told him “OK you earned your five dollars!” LOL

We left at like 2am . I actually enjoyed the travel home on the train.  Sitting on the stairs waiting for the train . Then once i boarded the train I was writing.

And when I got home I had such a fun time with the hubby. Even got to watch The Walking Dead.

And in present time now, I am laughing because as I am writing, writing about  go-go dancers and debauchery,  two little old religious ladies walked up to me ( the ones that hand out the book let with bible excerpts)  and said ” God Bless you miss! What a smart girl writing!” I smiled and said thank you but inside I was laughing. If only they knew the smut I was writing about. Would they think the same?

In other news, my grandfather had a fall. He didn’t tell anyone right away. In fact he didn’t tell anyone until late Monday. The home attendant came and got me to tell me he didn’t eat breakfast and hasn’t gotten out of bed yet. So she fed him and we stayed with him and he felt better after eating but he said he has no strength. He tried to hold himself to sit up but nothing happens. So we assisted him. But, he kept saying he felt fine , didn’t feel sick or anything just he didn’t have the strength although he said he felt normal as if he could do it but when he tries nothing happens. So we set him up. We set up a walker next to the bed . We put the bed pan next to him and we are watching him closely. He said he didn’t feel like he needed a doctor but we probably going to take him anyway. It could be time is the culprit… he is 92 years old.

I’ll write again soon Journal , gotta finish this coffee before my shift. Tash


Author’s Note: My grandpa’s condition was worrying my family so they took him to the hospital an hour or two after I left for work. Turned out my grandpa’s heart rate was real low and he needed a pacemaker.